October 9 – December 8

Students will complete ServSafe Foodhandler training and test by Friday, October 13.  This will be done outside of class for those who did not complete in class last week. Students must submit their certificate in GoogleClassroom by the end of the week.

Students will begin learning egg cookery and basic breakfast breads, as well as two mother sauces: Bechamel and Hollandaise.

Eggs included in this unit are:

  • soft, medium, and hard scrambled
  • oeufs Brouillet (french style scrambled often called “oeuf baveuse”)
  • fried
  • poached
  • over easy, medium, and hard
  • coddled
  • soft, medium, and hard boiled
  • basted
  • sunny side up

Breakfast breads included in this unit:

  • biscuits (and gravy made from bechemel)
  • muffins
  • scones
  • pancakes
  • cinnamon rolls
  • crepes


January 4 – 28

Students will begin the month learn knife terminology and safety.  They will review the role of mis en place in kitchen prep.  Next students will learn knife cuts, the basics of mire poix and the trinity, and the role these play in the flavoring of foods.  Students will learn the mother sauce, sauce tomate, and how to make pasta from scratch.  Last we will learn how to layer flavors in soups.

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