Students will present their “Famous Culinarian” research project to their class. They will then work on giving and following directions.
Intro CA 12
(12) The student knows and understands the importance of employability skills. The student is expected to:
(A) demonstrate skills related to seeking employment in the food service industry;
(B) identify the required training and educational requirements that lead toward appropriate career goals;
(C) select educational and work history highlights to include in a career portfolio;
(D) create and update a personal career portfolio;
(E) recognize required employment forms and their functions such as I-9, work visa, W-4, and licensures to meet employment requirements;
(F) research the local and regional labor workforce market to determine opportunities for advancement;
(G) investigate professional development training opportunities to keep current on relevant trends and information within the industry; and
(H) recognize entrepreneurship opportunities.
March 25 – May 10
Students will continue to create a food service industry business. Each week will focus on specific tasks for completing and presenting the project by May 10th. Students will choose a presentation date from May 8-10.
March 25-29: Choose concept, name, logo, and location
April 2-5: choose menu options, specific location, business model
April 8-12: Employee handbook, target market, and begin financials
April 15-19: Marketing, slogan, decor
April 22-26: Commercial, work on financials, presentation
April 29-May 7: 3-D model and choose food sample to prepare
May 8-10: Presentations
January 9 – January 26
Students will learn various types of knives and practice knife skills. They will make sauce tomate (one of the mother sauces) and make pasta from scratch.
January 4 – 28
Students will begin the month learn knife terminology and safety. They will review the role of mis en place in kitchen prep. Next students will learn knife cuts, the basics of mire poix and the trinity, and the role these play in the flavoring of foods. Students will learn the mother sauce, sauce tomate, and how to make pasta from scratch. Last we will learn how to layer flavors in soups.
Week 10/11 – 10/15
Students will take the ServSafe FoodHandler test this week.
Students will begin learning how to cook eggs and use equipment in the kitchen while building technical vocabulary.